Privacy Policy
Who are the parties?
In this Privacy Statement (“Privacy Statement”) the following terms have the following meaning: ‘BillyXClub’, a company having its registered office in Maasstraat 36, 2060 Antwerp, Belgium, registered under company number Org. Nr.: BE 0676 673 879.
For which purposes will my data be used?
BillyXClub attaches great value to the protection of your privacy and personal data. BillyXClub will only use or employ your details in accordance with the Belgian Act of 8 December 1992 on the protection of personal data and other relevant statutory provisions in force.
First and foremost we use your personal data to guarantee a proper technical operation of our teaser and website. For, in order to receive official invites, you must register: your first name, surname, address, city, country and email will be asked for. You can also share our teaser via social media, meaning that a link from your account is provided there too. We may also use your personal data to provide you with informative news messages, new promotions or products of BillyXClub, new services, important news messages, etc. Access to your data (sending of news letters or messages of a promotional nature) can be transferred to third parties or partners for informative or publicity purposes. Your personal data (as a database) will never be sold or passed on to any third party. BillyXClub has taken all possible legal and technical precautions to avoid unauthorized access and use. Therefore, it is in no event liable for identity theft, data theft or computer-related crime. In case of a forced entry into its computer systems, it will immediately take all possible measures to limit any damage and/or theft to a minimum.
Which personal data is collected?
With regard to the application of the Privacy Act, ‘personal data’ shall be taken to mean any information concerning an identifiable natural person. Any person who can directly (or indirectly) be identified on the basis of an identification number or an element which is characteristic of his physical, physiological, psychical, economic, cultural or social identity will be considered to be identifiable.
Every person is entitled to protection of his fundamental rights and freedoms, especially the right to protection of privacy. BillyXClub acknowledges this right and makes great efforts to convert this into practice and online. Privacy legislation only applies to (entirely or partially) automated processing of personal data, or in the case of manual processing when personal data is written to a file.
Personal data must be processed honestly and legitimately, be obtained for certain explicitly expressed and justified purposes, be adequate, to the point, accurate and not excessive, and in a way that enables identification of those concerned.
BillyXClub fulfills the conditions summed up above. Processing takes place for informative and technical purposes. The purposes are explicitly described under title 2. The data is adequate (first name, surname, address, city, country and email) and not excessive.
We may also gather analytical data about the use of our teaser and website. This analytical data is often anonymous and serves exclusively to assess the performance of our teaser/website/webshop.
We make use of cookies.
Our website makes use of Cookies. Cookies are small data- or text-files sent from a website and stored on your local computer. We store cookies for different purposes but with one main goal: the optimization of your visit to our website. Our cookies can be qualified as technical and functional cookies. Such cookies enable the user to browse our website and webshop, use the various options or services thereon and help remembering the technical choices of the user (language, shopping basket, etc). The information that is collected through the use of cookies allows us to detect possible errors and/or allows us to demonstrate specific services of which we presume they can be useful for you. There is a possibility that we store information that can be directly linked to a user. We can guarantee that our cookies are safe.
We recommend you to enable cookies if you would like to visit our website. The user is free to disable cookies through changing the browser settings if he does not prefer enabled cookies. BillyXClub cannot guarantee the proper functioning of our website if cookies are disabled.
Who is the party responsible for processing?
"Party responsible for processing" shall be taken to mean the natural person or legal entity which alone or together with others determines the purpose and means for the processing of personal data.
BillyXClub acts as the party responsible for processing. It defines the purpose (title 2) and the legal and technical means for the processing. However, it does not execute the processing itself; this is done by the actual processor.
Who is the actual processor?
"Processor" shall be taken to mean the natural person or legal entity which processes personal data by order of the ‘party responsible for processing’, with the exclusion of those persons who are authorized to process the data under the direct authority of the party responsible for processing.
As the actual processor is designated: BillyXClub having its registered office in 36, Maasstraat, 2060 Antwerp, Belgium registered under company number BE0538 958 427. The actual processor is responsible for the proper technical operation of the teaser/website (data transmission). The party responsible for processing does not bear or assume any liability in the event of loss or corruption of data, identity theft, data theft, viruses or Trojan horses, SQL injections or other attacks on the computer systems or online cloud portals. The actual processor decides autonomously about the technically most suitable application to process the data and does this proceeding from his professional expertise. The party responsible for processing cannot be expected to have the same expertise and specialism.
The processor provides sufficient safeguards in respect of the technical and organizational security measures with regard to the processing to be executed, thus complying with article 16, §1 of the Privacy Act.
Is location data being stored?
BillyXClub does not use location data to identify you, but merely to guarantee a proper technical operation of the website. Analytic data however, often contain locators, whereby your location on a map (‘Map’) is determined and indicated.
Will my data be used outside the EU?
BillyXClub is a Belgian company. This implies that there may be processing and transfer of data to countries outside the European Union. Pursuant to article 21 of the Privacy Act, personal data may only be passed on to countries which guarantee an identical, appropriate level of protection and where the same or similar stipulations of the Privacy Act are complied with. The country, duration of the transfer and storage thereof, nature of the data and exact purposes are criteria which must be examined on a case-by-case basis.
BillyXClub guarantees that it will not activate data processing or storage in countries which cannot offer the same safeguards, except:
where there is explicit permission from the party concerned;
where the passing on is necessary for the execution of the agreement (between the User and BillyXClub);
where the passing on is necessary for the conclusion or execution of an agreement concluded or to be concluded between the party responsible for processing and a third party in the interest of the User;
where the passing on is necessary or required by law (important general interest or right);
where the passing on takes place from a public register meant to inform the public.
BillyXClub is committed to protect your privacy and personal data. We will therefore only use your personal data in accordance with the Act of December 8, 1992 on the protection of personal privacy and other prevailing statutory provisions. By use of the teaser and website, you do grant us explicit permission to transfer your data outside the European Union, even if the receiving country does not meet European Data Protection standards.
We may use your personal information to provide you with news about our operation, services, rates, employment of partners, associates and other employees, important news related to your industry, et cetera. In no event will your personal data be transferred to third parties, nor for information, nor for publicity purposes. BillyXClub has taken all legal and technical precautions to avoid unauthorized access and use. You always entitled to complete, correct or delete all or part of your personal data. BillyXClub undertakes to respond to your request within 5 working days.
When visiting the BillyXClub website, some data is collected for statistical purposes. These data are: IP address, estimated location of consultation, hours and days of consultation and which pages were visited. When you visit the BillyXClub website you agree to these data collection for statistical purposes as described above.
To BillyXClub your privacy is very important. For, we don’t like it ourselves either when our personal data is casually discarded. It is for that reason that we wish to give you as much information as possible in this privacy policy.